TheatreCaps Staff Profile - Rachel Caville

TheatreCaps Staff Profile - Rachel Caville

Alexander Alexander
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Staff Profile - Rachel Caville 

We love being able to support healthcare staff in improving patient care.

Welcome to our staff profile posts - we get to interview a staff member and find out what better staff identification means to you.

What is your role in operating theatre?

I am a midwife and I work in theatres when women have Caesaren Sections.

What do you see are the benefits of name and role theatre caps?

Lots of benefits - as I work within a theatre that changes its staff through the day I find it helpful for myself to know my colleagues names - it builds confidence, teamwork and enhances communication!

Do you have any stories of name and role theatre caps improving your workplace?

Yes, the families that I have supported have said it really helps to know who is who - because it's so overwhelming.

What has the journey been like implementing the name and role caps in your hospital?

It's been difficult due to infection control guidelines. My staff have been very supportive and enthusiastic!

Any other comments?

Great hats thank you.

Thank you Rachel.

The infection guidelines issue continues to pop up. Please be reassured that our caps comply with international policy standards on infection control. Further all available evidence to date indicates no difference in infection rates between disposable and reusable caps - disposable bouffant caps may actually pose the greatest risk because of the pore size in their material. For more information on this and best practice for home laundering please click on this link.

Thanks again


If you're interested in purchasing personalised TheatreCaps for yourself or your team then please do check out our website

The infection guidelines issue continues to pop up. Please be reassured that our caps comply with international policy standards on infection control. Further all available evidence to date indicates no difference in infection rates between disposable and reusable caps - disposable bouffant caps may actually pose the greatest risk because of the pore size in their material. For more information on this and best practice for home laundering please click on this link.

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