AirSpot Logo

AirSpot Logo PDF https://www.dropbox.com/s/31i3rzuhp9vjcgo/AirSpot%20Logo%20On%20White5mm5.8.pdf?dl=0
AirSpot Logo on White with Black Border
AirSpot Logo with printing border
AIR in AIRSPOT in Axiforma Semibold
SPOT in AIRSPOT in Axiforma Light
Corners of boxes set at 5mm
Rectangles around coloured boxes and border/cut line for logo set at 5mm and width length ratio locked in keeping with image below:

Colours used for boxes are standard colours from Adobe Illustrator:



Our mission - to work together creating the best environment for patient care. Inspired by the #TheatreCapChallenge we recognise the benefits of staff name and role identification in improving communication, camaraderie, team work and ultimately patient care.